

【Lethal Admirer】海报

《A Friends Obsession/Lethal Admirer》[2018][美国/惊悚][1080P][MKV/3.11GB]

豆瓣链接: https://movie.douban.com/subject/35158716/ 片名: A Friends Obsession 译名: Lethal Admirer 年份: 2018-02-12(美国) 片长: 84分钟 类型: 惊悚  语言: 英语 导演: Craig Goldstein 国家: 美国  主演: 卡丽莎·斯特普尔斯 / 凯拉·伊薇儿 / 安德鲁·西雷 / 布赖恩·艾姆斯 / 帕梅拉·罗伊兰斯 / Kenneth Beck / Liz Benoit / 马特·伯朗西 / 阿尔·伯克 / 查德·杜尔 / Lila Dupree / Jackie Falcon / 考特尼·霍普 / Diana Toshiko
剧情 :

A Friend s Obsession is a 2018 thriller film that follows the story of a woman named Taryn, who becomes obsessed with her best friend s husband after her friend dies in a tragic accident. Taryn, played by Karissa Lee Staples, is devastated by the loss of her friend, and she struggles to cope with her grief.As Taryn spends more time with her friend s husband, James, played by Drew Seeley, she becomes increasingly obsessed with him. She begins to believe that she is the only one who truly understands him, and she starts to manipulate him into spending more time with her. Taryn s obsession with James becomes more and more intense, and she becomes willing to do whatever it takes to have him for herself.As Taryn s behavior becomes more erratic, James becomes increasingly uncomfortable with her advances. He starts to realize that Taryn s feelings for him are not healthy, and he begins to distance himself from her. However, Taryn refuses to give up on her obsession, and she becomes increasingly unhinged as she tries to win James over.As the film reaches its climax, Taryn s obsession with James spirals out of control, leading to a dangerous and thrilling conclusion. The film explores themes of love, loss, and the consequences of obsession, as Taryn s actions have far-reaching and devastating effects on the people around her.A Friend s Obsession is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that delves into the dark and dangerous side of obsession. With strong performances from the cast and a compelling story, the film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as Taryn s obsession with James unfolds with chilling intensity.

在《A Friends Obsession/Lethal Admirer》这部令人紧张的美国惊悚电影中,故事跌宕起伏,情节扣人心弦。影片以1080P高清画质呈现,画面清晰细腻,让观众身临其境。影片的主题围绕着友情和致命的崇拜展开,展现了人性的复杂和扭曲。在3.11GB的文件大小中,隐藏着无尽的悬念和惊险,观众将被带入一场惊心动魄的旅程。影片描述了复杂的友谊和危险的崇拜之间的纠葛。情节紧凑紧张,每一个转折都让人意想不到。导演通过精彩的剪辑和演员们出色的表演,将故事情节层层深入,引人入胜。无论是朋友间的背叛还是崇拜的病态,观众都将被吸引在故事的漩涡中无法自拔。在电影中,不仅有精彩的剧情和出色的演技,还有令人屏息的悬疑和反转。每一个细节都被精心呈现,每一个场景都充满了紧张气氛。观众将跟随着主人公的步伐,感受友情和崇拜背后的阴谋与危险。《A Friends Obsession/Lethal Admirer》将观众带入一个深陷关系纠葛和心理博弈的世界,展现了友情和崇拜的复杂性。通过这个故事,观众不仅可以体验到刺激的情节,还能思考人性中的善恶和扭曲。电影将是一个让人回味无穷的观影体验,带来无尽的惊喜和震撼。

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